Daughter of Time

Daughter of Time

I just finished reading The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey. Thanks to Julie D. at Happy Catholic for the recommend. (Her excerpt got me so hooked, I tabbed over to a new page and ordered it from the library right away.)

A fun mystery novel, a real page turner. Unusual in that the hero, a policeman, spends the entire novel in bed. In the hospital, in fact. The mystery is a historical one, the realm of researching in dusty archives, not his usual fare. It begins with a portrait of Richard III and he gets drawn into one of history’s most interesting tales.

I was drawn in too. A great book that made history come to life and does some great questioning of historical certainties and established “facts.”

I have one question, though. The library book I got had no dust jacket. The dust jacket pictured in Amazon seems to have a portrait of Richard III. What I want to know is that the portrait referenced in the novel? If not, then where can I find a copy of said portrait? I’m intrigued.

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