Farmer’s market

Farmer’s market

This morning after a bit of a late start, we made our now-customary trek to the farmer’s market in neighboring Marblehead.


Today’s haul included an enormous zucchini, some new potatos, a pint of fresh raspberries, sweet as candy and sure to disappear as fast, a bunch of intoxicatingly fragrant basil, half a dozen ears of corn, some of the first apples of the season—several varieties I’ve never heard of before which I’m eager to try but whose names I can’t recall though I’m sure I’ll never see them in a grocery store—a couple of bunches of beets and a log of fresh chive goat cheese for making my new favorite roasted beet and goat cheese dip.

Other delights included cider donuts (and a cup of organic coffee for Dom) which we munched in the car on the way home and delightful bagpipe renditions of “Old McDonald Had a Farm” and “The Itsy-Bitsy Spider.” Sadly, no finds at the library’s book sale table. I guess my finds there in July were an aberration.


Bella was bundled up in her cute sweater, hat and booties because there is quite the autumnal nip in the air today. Everyone oohed over her, especially the teenagers at the “Food Project”, a sustainable growing operation in Lynn and Beverly whose primary goal is to teach teenage youth to grow into responsible adults.

The goat cheese lady, who’s familiar with us by now, said she’s looking forward to seeing Bella toddling around holding my hand next year. Me too.

As usual, Bella seemed calm and content in the front carrier, staring at the world with her big dark eyes, taking it all in.

Now Dom’s baking bread and I’m getting raspberry fingers. And Bella’s squawking again. Time for a snack for her too, I guess.

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  • Yay!!  Heidi and I are almost half way through the first season and getting more and more hooked with each episode.  We’re determined to get through both seasons so we’re ready for season 3 in October.

  • Yeah, my parents recently worked their way through season 1 and are now catching up in season 2. And when my sister was up for the baptism, we got her hooked too. She watched the whole of season one in that visit! And now I think she’s getting her college friends hooked as well.

