
Archive: July 2006

more on Charlotte Mason

The Headmistress at The Common Room blog has a great post that explains the difference between Charlotte Mason’s “self education” and “child-led” education. An excerpt: Perhaps some of the confusion comes from the fact...

more on O’Brien

This is a continuation of the previous post on A Landscape with Dragons. My comment grew to be too long so I decided to make it a new entry. O’Brien does acknowledge the oriental use of dragons, but like Dom says his focus is on Western...

Movie review: View from the Top

Last night we watched one of Dom’s Netflix picks, View from the Top starring Gwenneth Paltrow as Donna Jensen, a small town girl from Nevada who dreams of becoming a glamorous stewardess. I wasn’t expecting much from this romantic...

God and the Internet

Tonight I googled my name (why is a long story, perhaps a future blog entry) and was surprised and gratified by the number of blogs that carried announcements of Isabella’s birth. Many of them blogs by people I’ve never met face to face...

Stay at Home Moms and the Internet

For the past ten months I’ve been spoiled having my husband at home. Now that he’s looking for a job I’ve had to face the prospect that he’ll most likely get a job which will require him to leave the house every day. And...

What I’m reading now

A Landscape With Dragons: The Battle for Your Child’s Mind by Michael O’Brien has sparked some interesting conversations in our household so I thought I’d write about it. (Unfortunately, I finished it Thursday but didn’t get...

News or Yellow Journalism?

Up early this morning, feeding Bella, my mother-in-law had the tv on while she was getting ready to go to work. The morning news show had one of those typical stories they use to fill in on a slow news day. They went around to a bunch of hotels and...

