Surrexit Christus Hodie! Alleluia!!!

Surrexit Christus Hodie! Alleluia!!!

He is risen indeed!

Just got back from the Easter Vigil. At our parish it starts at 7:30 and tonight it went to 9:40 or so.

I love the way the church brightens as one small flame feeds another and another until the darkness is vanished. When they turn on the electric lights it somehow seems wan by comparison with that magic glow. WE even had a bit of Latin tonight: Lumen Christi, the deacon proclaimed. Deo gratias, we answered.

I love the exsultet! I love the litany of saints.

Sadly, no baptisms or confirmations tonight. But the blessing of the baptismal water was especially potent for me tonight as I thought of our own little one who will be washed clean in that very water in less than two months. (Similar thoughts when the chrism was presented on Thursday.)

The cut out some of the readings. We didn’t hear about Abraham and poor Baruch and Ezekiel were axed as well. I’d gladly have stayed another hour to get them all in. Guess most people disagree. But tonight I’m not going to spend too much time bellyaching about the stuff that was missing…like whole verses to psalms and some of my favorite hymns. Because tonight He is risen and I can’t help but rejoice together with the heavens and the earth and Mother Church, all the angels and saints, and all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

We had two great homilies. I caught about 30-40% of Father Roberto’s Spanish homily and it seemed awesome: God’s ways are beyond our ways and Thanks be to God that they are because He is patient, more patient than we are. And this night is the most important night. As important as the cross is, the resurrection is even more so. Trying to put it into English words is impossible, but it was great.

And Father Murphy’s homily was great too. He was on fire. The night was on fire. The little boys and girl across the aisle from us were rapt, their faces full of joy. As was the little girl behind me when she wished me paz.

In any case, I looked like a big huge wedding cake all frothy in white lace (Or like a hillbilly bride at a shotgun wedding, Dom suggested.) I just have to buy something new and springy for Easter and it was all they had at the store that fit… I know. I think I tried on every dress and skirt they had!  I’m not sure why that is important to me, but I fell it is the least I can do. It makes me sit up more and pay more attention to know I’m wearing new clothes that I’ve put on just for Him. After all shouldn’t the guests at a wedding feast dress up in wedding garments?

Ok, it’s getting late and we are driving to Maine in the morning for Easter dinner with the Bettinelli family.

Hapy Easter to all. And to all a good night.

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1 comment
  • Don’t forget the time you sent me to the spare room when I smelled like cigar smoke and you still had morning sickness.

