
Melanie Bettinelli

Caught in the Act

Just now I was taping some footage of Bella rolling around in the dining room and living room and right as I turned on the camera she began to roll over… and sat up. I can’t believe I caught that on tape! She didn’t stay upright...

To Claus or not to Claus?

Rod Dreher asks his readers: “How do you handle the Santa question in your home?” He says: I have friends on both sides of the issue. Some don’t even get started on the Santa Claus thing, because they don’t want to distract...

So, you want to learn Latin

The Cranky Professor has an excellent review of Latin resources posted. I took Latin in high school (4 years) and college (3 semesters) and have tutored on and off and hope some day to teach Bella Latin (and Dom is wanting to learn it too). This...

A $3 Mistake

I just got back from dropping my sister off at the airport. It was wonderful to have her here for the holiday weekend and she was delighted to get to play with her niece. Sadly, I didn’t have good timing today and Bella was just getting hungry...

Quiz of the Day: What Kind of Reader Are You?

What Kind of Reader Are You? Your Result: Dedicated Reader You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more. Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm...

The Houston Trip: A Peaceful Day

Friday was a day of rest and recuperation after Thursday’s tiring travel. Though with Bella it is impossible to truly sleep in, we did take a nap after breakfast and then accompany Stephanie during her later breakfast. Then we messed about in...

The Houston Trip: A Rocky Start

As Dom has already noted, my trip began in a most inauspicious way. I was already nervous about travelling alone with Bella. And the airplane ride was by far the part that most filled me with trepidation. Flying alone with a six month old is a...

The Score

A very interesting article about childbirth that surveys the changes in the field of obstetrics and the transformation of childbirth from an art to a standardized procedure.  Highlighting the importance of the Apgar score and the prevalance of...

Another Milestone Met

So Friday night I woke to Bella cryingat around 4 am. When I went to pull her from the crib it was so dark I couldn’t see her and I had to feel around a bit to figure out how she was situated. Imagine my surprise to find that she was sitting...

Home Again, Home Again

We got back last night, rather late, and went straight to bed. I’ve still not quite got my bearings again; but I’ve taken today as a day of rest and recuperation. Tomorrow I’ll begin to clean and prepare to host the family...

