

thoughts on pooh

At Darwin Catholic Mrs Darwin presents her notes on the reading aloud of one of my favorite children’s classics, Winnie the Pooh. Excerpt: I have never been a fan of the Disney oeuvre, but it is my considered opinion that they have done a...

New photos

Here’s Bella watching the races with Daddy. Bella sleeping in her carrier. Hanging out by the pool in her stylish hat. And my personal favorite, a candid moment when we were sleeping together in the recliner one morning. I’m glad...

Isabella Updates

We had her four month well-visit this morning. Bella is now 15 pounds, 1 ounce and 25 inches long. We also had shots, which was not so fun. Though not as bad as last time. I let her eat a little immediately after and that calmed the tears pretty...

A good book for college students…

…especially Christians attending secular schools: Ask Me Anything: Provocative Answers for College Students by J. Budziszewski. A while back I read Budziszewski’s What We Can’t Not Know: A Guide, I think on the recommendation of my...

Successful Homeschooling

From Spunky Homeschool a great refection on what in means to succeed at home schooling: . . . When I first starting homeschooling I thought about all the things that would make homeschooling a success. And I often compared myself to other families...

Reading Aloud

Two good posts by Karen Edmisten: One on how reading aloud helps with the sometimes thorny problem of whether material is age appropriate: Reading aloud lets me make decisions (I can edit if something is too intense for my hyper-sensitive child)...

that’ll teach me…

Recently I’ve been showing Bella how to blow raspberries. This morning she demonstrated that she’d mastered the technique. By blowing very loud raspberries during mass. Sure it charmed the old lady in front of us, but was most...

