
Melanie Bettinelli

Meghan’s b-day

A good time was had by all. I don’t really like American Italian. the food just underwhelms me. But the good company made up for what was lacking in culinary delights. I met some new people… Meghan has very interesting colleagues. One...


I’ve been crazy busy, and distracted. Keep forgetting to record things. This past weekend D and I went up to Maine. Drove up Friday and went to dinner (with mom Bettinelli and FB) at a very cool restaurant on the docks in Portland called...

a perfect summer evening

Feeling kinda icky so I didn’t want to drive out to Danvers. But soon was feeling cooped up in the house. So after I had my salad I went for a walk to the park. The sun was setting and twilight was setting in by the time I walked past the...

thinking of the future

I was just thinking (in the shower, of course) how cool it will be to have the bathroom all to myself and not shared with roommates. I can leave my watch on the sink overnight with no worries about being a nuisance to others (for I am sure Dom would...

banned books

Here for your enjoyment is the list of the top 110 banned books. Bold the ones you’ve read. Italicize the ones you’ve read part of. Read more. Convince others to read some. [I don’t know if you actually need to read some or...

A cardinal speaks out

In this article about embryonic stem cell research. If only more people knew all the facts. That hope of treating disease is the driving force behind this bill. Yet the “promise” of embryonic stem cell research has been exaggerated. The...


we had confirmation this morning and it went well the bishop was great—- good homily and Thomas actually showed up, was confirmed, and seemed happy to be there, not sulking though Olivia fainted after the consecration and had to be carried out...

