
Melanie Bettinelli

homeschooling blog: The Common Room

A very funny entry on teatime with six daughters. Excerpt: 3:30- The 15 y.o. supervises the 2 y.o. as the tot pours ingredients for homemade hot cocoa mix into a large tupperware bowl. The 2 y.o is so proud to be doing the pouring without any help...

homeschooling web resources

A guide to online essays and articles about homeschooling.
I haven’t checked all of them out, but it looks like there might be some good stuff here.

“The Lost Tools of Learning”

In my homeschooling researches I’ve encountered several references to this great classic essay by Dorothy Sayers, famed mystery writer, creator of Lord Peter Whimsey, one of my favorite fictional heros. (The Well-Trained Mind and Designing You...

good article

Peggy Noonan reflecting on the Oscars in the Wall Street Journal. Most Americans aren’t leading media, they’re leading lives. It would be nice to see a new respect in Hollywood for the lives they live. It would be nice to see them start...

What I’ve been reading

Shadowplay: The Hidden Beliefs and Coded Politics of William Shakespeare I read an article by Asquith last fall and then a reader recommended this book. I love Shakespeare; but have been a bit sceptical about the claims that he was a closet Catholic...

more on homeschooling

Over at Dom’s blog several commenters are responding to my home school post. Why not at my blog? I’m not quite sure. I’ve posted my response to them there, some things I’ve meant to say here are included. I think I’ll...

Home Schooling book review: The Well Trained Mind

The first book I picked up, although the last that I finished reading, was The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise, a mother-daughter team. Jessie home schooled Susan and in her turn Susan is...

A Day in the Life

I guess this would count as part of my pregnancy journal. One of the things I worried about when I decided to take the semester off was “what will I do all day?” So I got up around 8, washed my face, brushed my teeth, etc. I ate my rice...

On Homeschooling

One of my projects during this gestational semester when I’m not teaching is to read up on homeschooling. I know, I know, it’s a bit early to think about the kid’s academic career when she won’t even be born until May. But I...

