
Melanie Bettinelli

What I’m reading now

A Landscape With Dragons: The Battle for Your Child’s Mind by Michael O’Brien has sparked some interesting conversations in our household so I thought I’d write about it. (Unfortunately, I finished it Thursday but didn’t get...

News or Yellow Journalism?

Up early this morning, feeding Bella, my mother-in-law had the tv on while she was getting ready to go to work. The morning news show had one of those typical stories they use to fill in on a slow news day. They went around to a bunch of hotels and...

Isabella Updates

She’s now six weeks old! I can’t believe it. Today we went to the hospital for a hip ultrasound. Evidently the breech position tends to force the ball of the hip out of the socket, predisposing to dislocation after birth. Our doctor had...

What I’m reading: Little House

The Little House in the Highlands While the Little House books were not quite as much a favorite as Narnia or Anne of Green Gables, still, they were a prominent feature of my childhood landscape. Recently I stumbled across Melissa Wiley’s...

Some Thoughts on Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding and reading When I was reading books and blogs on pregnancy and when talking to people (everyone has advice for you when you’re pregnant!), I frequently came across the truism that once the baby came I’d not have time to...

Alarms and Excursions

Woke up at 1 to a chorus of alarms going off upstairs. They couldn’t figure out what set them off so we bundled up the baby and I stumbled out into the rainy night barefoot and disoriented. Bella woke up, of course, so I sat in the car and we...

Bella’s Got a Brand New List

My former roommate Shanna was in town this weekend with her finace and stopped by this afternoon. She brough a gift for Bella and how well she knows me… she gave books. The classic: and a book I’d never heard of, but that looked very...


Ok maybe it wasn’t the excedrin… the past few nights I’ve gone back to bed around 3am after waking up to feed Bella and have laid there for an hour or so, wide awake, until she woke up again for another snack. Is it just that...

