
Melanie Bettinelli

Why not to wait

Dom and I were talking yesterday in the car about how wonderful it is being parents. And how often in the media you hear only about how hard it is to be a parent and not about the joys. And actually how often you hear from parents themselves more...

more on Harry Potter

Note: Please, for the sake of my sanity and to facilitate a reasonable discussion, read my previous post on Harry Potter as well as all of the linked posts by Scott Peterson as well as the comments threads on those posts before posting a comment on...

More late night musings

So it’s 3 am and I’m up feeding the baby again. I pick up my laptop and check my email. There’s the daily readings waiting for me (thanks to The Daily Gospel online service). I guess I should read them since I’ll probably be...

Raising Catholic Kids

My recent post on My Cup of Tea reminded me of a recent conversation with my sister on the subject of Catholic parenting. She had told me about a friend who is discerning a vocation to marriage. With a specific young man. She’s a recent...

Farmer’s Market

Went to the Marblehead farmer’s market this morning. The third Saturday in a row we’ve managed to make it out there. It’s a great place with half a dozen farms represented including a farm that specializes in oriental veggies and...

Did I really see that?

Driving to the grocery store yesterday, the bumper sticker: The Goddess is not a single mother.
Not sure what to make of that.

Harry Potter, Anti-hero?

Note: Please, for the sake of my sanity and to facilitate a reasonable discussion, read all of the linked posts by Scott Peterson as well as the comments threads on those posts before posting a comment on this thread I used to be the kind of person...

The Flying Inn

I just finished reading Flying Inn by G. K. Chesterton. This was a fun book, though it took me a while to get into it. I almost gave up a couple of times, the first few chapters were a bit slow. But I’m glad I plodded my way through them...

Bella and the Giraffe

So far Bella hasn’t shown much interest in toys. If you shake a rattle in front of her, it might catch her eye for a minute, but then she’s staring off into space again. But the other day while she was lying on the quilt, I hooked her...

My Cup of Tea

Today we went to visit my brother-in-law’s family in Canton, about an hour south of here. They have a pool and it was forcasted to be sweltering hot. Seemed like a good day for a visit. While Dom frolicked with the nephews in the pool, Bella...

