
Archive: September 2020

Rosemary Sutcliff on Learning to Read

It seems to me now surprising that with so much else going on, I was also having lessons. Or more truthfully, sitting through lessons with practically nothing to show for them afterwards. That was not my mother’s fault. She tried so hard; she had...

Contrapuntal Harmony in Busman’s Honeymoon

So, now that we’ve established that Busman’s Honeymoon is a love story with detective interruptions, let’s talk more about that love story. . . . Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane first meet in Strong Poison when Harriet is on...

Picture Books from the Library

Our library is open again! Right now you can’t browse the stacks or linger or use the computers, but you can put books on hold and pick them up and drop them off. And they do have a couple shelves of new releases set up near the checkout that...

Once More to the Lake

Thanks to E.B. White for the title, which comes from an essay that I love. But this post isn’t really about White or his essay. I’m just stealing it because it’s what’s in my head. I’m slow to get this post from my head...

Tending God’s Farm

“After all, what is Apollos and what is Paul? They are servants who brought the faith to you. Even the different ways in which they brought it were assigned to them by the Lord. I did the planting, Apollos did the watering, but God made things...

