Patterns within Patterns

Patterns within Patterns

A day of appointments: yearly physical for me in the morning, doctor for Ben in the afternoon. It was a warm day and the kids were running around outside with no jackets. The crocuses and grape hyacinths are sending up little green shoots in the garden.

I listened to Deep Wizardry in the car while to-ing and from-ing. My favorite scene: when Nita and Kit take her parents to the moon. The kids don’t understand why I love that one so… and I think I do. Because when I read the book I see things from Nita and Kit’s perspective, but I’m also seeing from the parents’ perspective. I identify a lot with Nita’s mom.

Two appointments in one day is exhausting. We got in a bit of school work. Early dinner of pork chops and roast potatoes and Brussels sprouts. The big girls had scouts where they worked on semaphore.

Staying up to wrap Sophie’s birthday presents. We watched an episode of Firefly while I wrapped: The Hero of Canton.

Two photos from today: a sparrow chirping from the top branch of a birch tree, enjoying the nice weather, and a view that Ben brought to my attention: standing directly under a mobile in the doctor’s office lobby, looking up at the atrium ceiling, cool patterns within patterns.

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  • Seeing at first only the upper half of the atrum picture, I expected a modern Church interior ๐Ÿ™‚
    And yes, two appointments in one day is definitely exhausting.

    • Thank you! I wish I didn’t get so wrung out from appointments. At least I really like my doctor. She’s one of the best I’ve had and being with her is rather peaceful. But Ben’s doctor is one of those who talks very fast and he and I both find her rather exhausting.

  • If I leave the house once in a day, I feel like I’m done. Twice is just madness!

    I love the office ceiling — the feeling of vertical space seems open and healthy.

    • The rest of the lobby is really quite grey and blue and not very lovely. So looking straight up like that is a contrast. It’s by far the best view. I wonder how many people do look up. I didn’t until Ben did.

