Lucia’s First Birthday

Lucia’s First Birthday

We had a pretty quiet day at home as the snow fell and fell and fell. Lucy got lots of hugs and well wishes from everyone and relished the extra attention. (Not much extra, everyone always fawns over her from the moment she wakes in the morning.)

I made a cake for the rest of us, but Lucia has been sensitive to wheat and dairy, so she just got frozen bananas whipped up with some cocoa. But by the time we got to dessert Lucia was pretty tired. I didn’t get her a lot of presents because we don’t really need any more toys. I got her a board book to take to Mass so she’ll stop eating the cards that have the new translation of the Mass prayers. She adores those cards. I didn’t remember to wrap it, but no one seemed to care too much. Bella drew her a picture of the crucifixion.

Hooray for Lucia, the best little girl in the world. We are so very blessed to have our little happy girl. She makes everyone’s day better and brighter. Every day.

Lucia eating a cucumber at Ikea the day after her birthday. We got her a new high chair today, so I guess that was her second present. Our old one was seven years old and the cloth cover was falling apart and it was really just too big for the space. The Ikea one is smaller, neater, and doesn’t have a cloth cover to get all nasty with mashed bananas and other mystery foods.

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    • Thank you.

      Sophie was sensitive to wheat as a baby, but fortunately grew out of it before her second birthday. I’m really hoping the same will be true for Lucia. She was begging for oatmeal this morning at breakfast and it was heartbreaking to tell her no, but it was made with milk. I may have to make her some just with water, poor thing.

  • Have you thought of soya milk. It works well if you are not drinking it on its own. I used to make custard with it for my daughter and it tasted great. Just love your blog it gives me so much heart to see your lovely family living with so much faith. May your year be blessed as you are a blessing.

