
Archive: September 2013

Sickday Saturday

I should have seen it coming last night when Lucia fell asleep right after dinner and slept through bedtime and kept on sleeping. She usually takes a brief snooze before dinner and then falls asleep between 10 and 11. So she did finally wake when I...

Links: Playing, Eating, Socializing, Balancing

1. Old-Fashioned Play Builds Serious Skills “It’s interesting to me that when we talk about play today, the first thing that comes to mind are toys,” says Chudacoff. “Whereas when I would think of play in the 19th century, I...

Life as Classroom

On Saturday Dom started a cascade of housecleaning. He began with a couple little projects he’s been meaning to do: fixing the leaking kitchen sink, unstopping the clogged drain in the bathroom sink (and while he was at it, cleaning off the...

Forms of Prayer

One of my Facebook friends is doing this lovely thing where every day she lists one thing she’s grateful for. It brightens my day to see her little notes. I’ve seen the same basic idea in various other forms too. Thankful Thursdays. 1000...

With the Dignity of a Queen

from today’s Office of Readings: From the book of the prophet Ezekiel 16:3, 5b-7a, 8-15, 35, 37a, 40-43, 59-63 Jerusalem, the adulterous spouse of the Lord Thus says the Lord God to Jerusalem: By origin and birth you are of the land of Canaan;...

Take Five

A few notes about recent goings on. Bella We read Beethoven Lives Upstairs and after that listened to Beethoven’s Ninth. Bella says it’s her favorite music. I’m so happy my seven year old has a favorite Beethoven symphony. I also...

Please Pray with Me

Can I beg prayers for a special intention? A family member who really needs help. I seriously feel a need for some heaven storming and will be so grateful for any help I can get. I’ll be starting a novena to Mary, Untier of Knots. Virgin Mary...

