The Holiness of Housework

The Holiness of Housework

From my mom, a beautiful article by a woman in my dad’s Carmelite community.

Something about the way she frames things…. I want to be more prayerful and intentional in my work. Things to ponder.

When my kids were small, I used to go with them one room at a time to work with them side by side. We used to offer up our work in each room for a different prayer intention. Maire, at age 7, usually offered her room cleaning for Brittany Spears. She was always worried about her. When we finished a room, we bowed, before lighting some incense in the clean room; a ritual we got from their dad, Marc Blaze, that added a sense of completeness and made our work feel sacred.

I have a few habits when I am working around the house that help me stay in tune with the holy and remind me that my housework is not only an offering but it can be an adoration of the Lord who is continuously present with us in all we do. I know it’s weird but I have a tendency to pause and genuflect now and then in the kitchen. Bob used to ask why I did “church stuff in the house.” I said I was just praying while I worked. He understood that.

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1 comment
  • That is a lovely concept, definitely puts a different perspective on humble tasks and duties; thankyou for sharing 🙂

