At the Farmer’s Market

At the Farmer’s Market

Going to the Hingham Farmer’s Market is our favorite way to spend a Saturday morning. It’s a cozy little market, right on the beach, and over the years we’ve developed a relationship with many of the vendors. Though we have been sad this year because some of our favorites—the guy who sold fresh-caught, fresh-smoked fish and the cookie guy—didn’t return. Still, there were plenty of things to choose from and beautiful sights to see.

Auntie Tree gives Sophie a piggyback ride. The boys were in the stroller and Sophie didn’t want to walk.

Bella with some pretty plants. This is my favorite of the farms. The guy who sold me the strawberries actually turned out the basket and checked them for mold, pulled out the soft ones and then topped it off with some fresh ones from a different container. I’ve never had that kind of service before. Usually it’s you get whatever is in the basket.

Bella insisted we get a bunch of those green beans and the sugar snap peas. She filled up the bag of snap peas herself.

Ben hugs his blankies.



Eventually, Ben, my little gentleman, gave up his stroller seat to Sophie.

Ben waits while Auntie Tree picks out some chocolates.

Daddy grabs a photo.

Anthony never did finish eating that strawberry.

Mmmm…. the best coffee ever. From Red Eye Roasters. If you’re ever in Hingham, you must pay them a visit.

Bella savors her watermelon ice.

Love the flowers.

And the herbs.

Ben and Sophie.

Anthony has a death grip on that strawberry.

My sister got herself a new bag.

In addition to the green beans and snap peas, we bought radishes, salad greens, and a cucumber, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, pea tendrils, and a jar of Sophie’s favorite ginger peach marmalade.

After the market, we headed to our favorite seaside eatery, Jake’s in Hull. I had my usual, a cup of chowder and the spinach salad with grilled salmon. The kids all at mac n cheese. Seriously. Oh well, some day they’ll all want lobster and then we won’t be able to afford to take them out.

When we got home the boys were asleep. I put them in their beds but Ben woke up half an hour later covered with hives.

Happy but hivey, though I could tell they itched because he was rubbing at them.

I called the pediatrician and she recommended a little Benadryl, which soon cleared those up. But I have no idea what the trigger was since he ate nothing new or unusual, was near no new plants or animals, was wearing old clothing washed in the same dye-free, perfume-free detergent I always use. I have sensitive skin and I know my kids do to so we do our best to avoid anything that will irritate us. I never wear perfumes or use scented lotions or soaps and I don’t change brands unless I develop a sensitivity to my old brand. (Which has happened with my favorite shampoos and conditioners so now I just use baking soda and vinegar.) I guess Ben’s hives will remain a mystery.


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1 comment
  • glad you went! I wondered why you were all at the K of C location!
    I was so excited to be at Reuben Chen’s first mass, so I know how wonderful this must have been too! Glad Bella got to follow up after seeing the ordination mass.

    Blessings on new priests everywhere! they are our superheroes…

