Highlights from today

Highlights from today

No photos from my camera today so here’s Dom’s view from his hotel room in Madrid.

Woke up at 6 with wide awake two-year old. He was happy as a clam, nice contrast to his 3 am scream fest when he got mad because… um, well because he’s two. Though I’d only slept a couple of hours, I got up to shove food in him before the happy went away. Then back to bed for a couple of hours more. (thanks, Mom!)

Woke again to find three year-old melting down because she’s three. Three is an even harder age than two. Oh those low blood sugar moments are killer.

Went for a walk with the gang and we found a hawk feather.

I captured a praying mantis in the garden while taking the three year-old for a calm-me-down stroll. That provided almost ten minutes of distraction. Then she had another low-blood-sugar meltdown. Why didn’t I make sure she actually ate lunch? Oh yeah, the nursing baby distracted me.

Naptime was delayed (boo!) because of a video chat with Daddy in Spain (yay!!!). Crankyness all around. Including Mama.

Let me repeat that: Video chat. We live in the future, people.

Dinner was pan fried tilapia with a parmesan breadcrumb crust. The kids ate it with ketchup. But at least they ate it. Also peas with caramelized onions and mint (fresh mint from the garden. We’re growing one thing well this year.) And leftover squash gratin and salad.

Bathtime was fine. Sort of. Even the anti-bath two year-old resigned himself stoically with only minimal protest. I agreed that he doesn’t have to like his bath but would take one anyway just to get clean. He accepted my sympathy and didn’t kick me and no fuss until the actual moment of pour water over his head. Then he had a meltdown afterward because I did something wrong with his towel. I still haven’t figured out what.

Bedtime wasn’t too bad except that I kept fumbling everything with poor two year-old who kept getting disturbed just as he was about to go to sleep. He passed out on the living room floor just before ten. Ouch.

Now I need to go to sleep because tomorrow we get to wrangle all these little people to Mass.

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  • That is amazing! My 3-year-old son is at this stage where he asks “Who made this?” about everything, and then no matter what I say (a factory, daddy, the sun), he’ll respond, “AND JESUS!”

    Things got even better yesterday when he said that Jesus made him, and when asked where Jesus comes from responded, “The farm!” (where my grandfather lives). Um, ok.

  • Katherine, She was sitting on my lap and didn’t seem interested in joining in. But it did relieve the tension and got her to laugh a couple of times.

    Ellie, Yes. Sheer grace. I’m thinking Dom is gaining extra graces for us on his pilgrimage to Spain.

    MightyMighty, That is too cute!

