
Archive: August 2011

Bella’s World

Person with a Purse A sort of quick takes with observations about some of Bella’s current interests. Illustrated by some of her recent paintings. Daddy’s hotel in Madrid. That black shape in the green square is Daddy in his window. 1...

He’s Home!

Dom finds some relief from the intense Spanish heat. (Photo credit: George Martell/The Pilot Media Group) May not be reproduced without permission. All rights reserved. …. and all is once more right with the world. Dom’s iPad allowed him...

Happy Half-Birthday, Anthony!

I can’t believe it’s been six months already! Then again, when I look at Anthony, it’s hard to believe he’s only a six month-old. He is not a small child. It’s amazing how already we can’t imagine life without our...

Singing School

This afternoon as Sophie and I were engaged in yet another pitched battle—actually as she was taking a bit of a break from the long struggle to exert control over me—Bella decided to relieve the tension by singing to me. She began with a...

Highlights from today

No photos from my camera today so here’s Dom’s view from his hotel room in Madrid. Woke up at 6 with wide awake two-year old. He was happy as a clam, nice contrast to his 3 am scream fest when he got mad because… um, well because...

7 Quick Takes

1. Bella successfully camped out in the backyard last night all by herself. We were shocked that she actually slept in the tent alone all night. I’d fully expected her to either balk at bedtime, come in after an hour, or wake up disoriented in...

Vacation Week

Dom’s on vacation this week. What a treat! On Tuesday we went to the Butterfly Place. My butterfly-crazy Bella loved it. (And so did I.) I think she could have stayed all day. Unfortunately we timed things poorly and Sophie and Ben were a...

The Mother Hen

Oh! What a worrit! All these chicks to cherish and protect— can’t shut an eye even for a moment! That one strays too far, those two big ones quarrel, and this tiny one isn’t strong. I should like to keep them always under my wings...

Blessed Feast of St Tersa Benedicta (Edith Stein)

Lord, God of our fathers, you brought Saint Teresa Benedicta to the fullness of the science of the cross at the hour of her martyrdom. Fill us with that same knowledge, and, through her intercession, allow us always to seek after you, the supreme...

A Thousand Thanks or God’s Perfect Timing

A couple of weeks ago, a lovely reader of my blog offered to send me a book I’d mentioned I was looking for. She’s moving and downsizing her book collection and wanted to give it a good home. I was having a hard time with Ben and all and...

