
Archive: January 2011

Book Notes: Christmas Picture Books

Today I finally put away the Nativity scene and the Christmas books and took down the Christmas cards from the wall. I also did some major decluttering of various shelves and the front closet. This list of Christmas books is super late for...

Snow Play

Bella in the snow According to yesterday’s paper since the first snowfall of the season on Dec 21 Boston as had about 62 inches of snow all told. Comparing their total snow falls for each of the storms that has passed through with the snow we...

What A Family Really Needs after a Baby is Born

I really liked this blog post, which Jennifer of Conversion Diary linked to some time ago: it’s a list of what one mom really wants people to do for her when she’s got a newborn. I especially like number 7: Come over in your work clothes...

Pope Benedict on Communication in the Digital Age

Did you see this? Pope Benedict’s message for World Communication Day: Truth, Proclamation and Authenticity of Life in the Digital Age Many bloggers have highlighted the Pope’s warnings about “the tendency to communicate only some...

An Hour

This morning at Mass Father announced that there would be a holy hour for life between three and four. I did my automatic mental schedule check and determined surprisingly this was something I might be able to do. Ben and Sophie have been napping...

Dreaming of Home

I woke up in the middle of the night from a vivid dream that stuck with me more throughout the day than the dream I was having when I woke this morning. And this dream had a strong resonance with Father’s homily this morning at Mass. So I...

Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog!)

by Jerome K. Jerome I am indebted to Darwin Catholic for reminding me of my desire to read this novel (by including it on his list of books read in 2010.) This is the novel that inspired Connie Willis’ delightful jaunt To Say Nothing of the...

Book Notes: Our Lady of the Lost and Found

Our Lady of the Lost and Found by Diane Schoemperlen This was a Christmas present from Dom and he knew he was going out on a limb buying me a book that wasn’t on my wish list. But he’d seen it recommended somewhere and knows I’m up...

Why Does God Favor Some Souls More Than Others?

Strangely, this question was on my mind recently.  I’m going to be doing only one thing: I shall begin to sing what I must sing eternally: “The Mercies of the Lord!” (Psalm 89[88]:1)… Opening the Holy Gospels my eyes...

