Sophie Behind the Camera

Sophie Behind the Camera

Continuing Sophie-themed posts for her birthday week.


Bella has a very deep-seated respect for boundaries. She, of course tests them—all kids do to some extent—but has remarkably little destructive instincts. For example, she has never, ever dropped anything into the toilet. In fact she only once ever went into the bathroom when she wasn’t supposed to and pulled the toilet paper off the roll.


Sophie, on the other hand, is a lot more mischievous. She not only tests boundaries, she’s sneaky. She knows she’s not supposed to touch my computer so she waits until I’m in the kitchen cooking and then quietly sneaks over and starts pushing buttons. Once she turned on iTunes and got a bit of a surprise.


She has also figured out how to unlock my iPod Touch. She loves my cell phone and has programmed a few new contacts into it. And recently she has discovered how to use the camera.


She has now taken quite a few shots of fingers and blank walls. And some surprisingly recognizable shots.


Maybe some day soon we can find a cheap little digital camera that she can play with to her heart’s content.


Maybe some day she will be a great photographer.

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