Isabella Sings the Regina Caeli

Isabella Sings the Regina Caeli

I took this video the other night. The cutest thing ever.

Isabella sings the Regina Coeli from Domenico Bettinelli on Vimeo.

I didn’t set out to teach Bella the Regina Caeli. I just began singing it at Easter and she picked it up.

I’ve been trying for a while now to remember to say the Angelus (in English) at noon. i usually remember about two or three times a week. Sometimes Bella reminds me. We’re not too picky and sometimes say it closer to one if that’s when we remember. She can’t tell time yet anyway.

Bella was rather perplexed when on Easter Monday I replaced our usual Angelus by singing the Regina Caeli in Latin. I found I had a few recordings in iTunes and played them for her a few times. And then continued to sing it over and over again. Sophie decided she loved it and started singing the alleluias with me so I had a strong motivation to sing it at all hours of the day. Plus it’s fun to sing. The only chant I know by heart.

I’ve found that with new board books Bella’s usually got the text memorized after I’ve read it about a dozen times. When we get a new book she wants it read again and again and again in rapid succession. I think precisely because she’s learning it by heart. So I’m not surprised that after a few weeks of my singing the Regina Caeli, she’s got it down pretty well. She just always drops the “quem”.

This is how I learned it from Father Murphy back when I used to go to daily Mass before Bella was born. The English is not a direct translation but works pretty well:

Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia.
Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia.
Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia.
Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia.

O Queen of heaven, be joyful, Alleluia.
For he whom you have humbly born for us, Alleluia.
Has arisen as he promised, Alleluia.
Offer now our prayers to God, Alleluia.

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