Sunday Shots

Sunday Shots

The weekend’s wonderful weather got everything blooming. I snapped a few shots last night of some of our new flowers.


I’m not sure what this is. A sort of violet? They’re all over the place along the fence. Charming.


Saturday morning this little tree in the front yard was covered with closed buds that showed faintly pink. By evening a few flowers had opened. Sunday the tree was gloriously pink. I think it’s a peach tree based on the flowers and the shape of the leaves I remember from last fall. Dom thinks it’s a cherry tree. We’ll see.


The tulips finally opened. I almost missed it because they are the exact same shade of yellow as the daffodils. I’m a little disappointed actually. I was hoping for bright red. I’d have picked a contrasting color to plant next to the daffodils. Ah well. Yellow is very happy indeed.


You can see the tulips and daffodils together here. I didn’t even notice this hand creeping into my shot until I was reviewing the photos later. Unfortunately when I noticed her I snapped at Bella for trampling on the tulips in her green boots. I’m working on my short temper.


She is the most beautiful of all my flowers, the sassy thing.


Look at those skinny little legs!


She loves her boots and wears them even when it’s quite dry. Who can blame her?


And then there’s sunny Sophie in her swing. She loves it, loves it, loves it. I can hardly pry her out of it. She’s taken more than a few naps there in the past week. When she nods off I just let her go until she wakes. What could be more lovely than sleeping out of doors hanging between earth and heaven?


And she is the apple of her daddy’s eye.

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