Praying with Bella

Praying with Bella

I was saying Morning Prayer today and when I got to the responsory I said the first part: “Lord, listen to my cry,” and Bella, unprompted, said the second part, “all my trust is in your promise.”

I guess she must have remembered it from another day. I frequently prompt her to repeat the antiphon or responsory. Not that she needs much prompting, she seems to love to repeat the short prayers after me.



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1 comment
  • We have The Story of Ping and it was a favourite with my two older girls. I got it out a few months ago, but Cherub wasn’t interested at the time. We also have Alexander, but only as part of a large Treasury book. At the moment she wants books she can handle more easily, so he will have to wait a while. I find it frustrating that even classic American picture books are rarely available from the library here. I’d like the opportunity to read them without having to buy them. We have picked up a few over the years, but there are a lot we have missed out on.

