Toddlers and Bag Ladies

Toddlers and Bag Ladies

This morning Bella decided her feet were cold (Ah, summer in New England! Please don’t hate me, friends in the south.) So she fetched a pair of black socks for me to put on her feet—sometimes she can put her socks on herself but not today. After the black socks we had to put on her white sneakers. With the purple shorts, pink and white shirt, and magenta sun hat she was quite the sight. Especially when we went out on errands and she insisted that she had to bring her new Winnie-the-Pooh lunch bag as well as her dolly and Kanga.

As she followed me into the post office, drawing delighted stares from passers-by, I remembered something Dom said at dinner the other night when she’d orchestrated some outlandish costume or other: toddlers and bag ladies have a lot in common.

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