Rolling, rolling, rolling

Rolling, rolling, rolling


I remember the scene in Kafka’s Metamorphosis where Gregor, turned into a bug, lies on his back and can’t flip over. Gross, but also pathetic. I always feel a bit sorry for the helpless bug that can’t right itself. Recently, we’ve been experiencing that in reverse: Sophia rolls onto her belly and can’t get back to her back. (This is exactly the opposite of Bella who started by rolling from her belly to her back.)

Yesterday morning when we woke up she was asleep on her belly. But most of the time when she flips on her belly she gets mad and screams. She’s been waking up in the middle of the night, fussing, on her belly. Oh she sounds angry. When she gets onto her belly while she’s playing on the floor during the day, I’ve been letting her fuss for just a little bit to see if she can’t figure it out. When she gets too upset, though, I’ve been gently rolling her back.

This morning she finally managed to roll onto her back on her own. Hooray for Phia!


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  • Yes, she’s a very tidy child. Sometimes obsessively so. I was hoping the whole time she wouldn’t sit in the puddle because if her dress had got wet, she’d have insisted on going in to change it. If she’d been wearing sandals there would have been a crisis over the feet getting wet. Luckily, she was barefoot.

