
Archive: June 2008

Book Review: Mr. McFadden’s Hallowe’En

Mr. McFadden’s Hallowe’En by Rumer Godden. A commenter recently asked if I’d read any of Godden’s children’s books (Sorry, I can’t remember who asked or what post the comment was on.) I hadn’t but I realized...

Poor Phia!

I just noticed that the back of Sophia’s pudgy little calf is gouged and scraped and scratched. I can only guess that she’s been cutting herself with her toenails. I suppose I need to do better with trimming them, though they...

Generous and Thoughtful, That’s Bella

Dom posted about Bella giving away part of her cupcake at a party we attended on Saturday. It reminds me that I haven’t told about Bella and the bread. Most Saturdays Dom, our resident baker, makes a loaf of honey whole wheat bread, my...

Picture Book review: I Believe: The Nicene Creed

Illustrated by Pauline Baynes, who so beautifully illustrated the original Chronicles of Narnia (which I still have in the hardcover volumes from my childhood.) This is an absolutely breathtaking book done in a medieval illuminated style. The...

It’s the Stick’s Fault

This afternoon I took Bella out to play while Sophia was having her nap. I sat in a chair on the porch while Bella wandered around, up and down the porch steps, playing in the pots full of dirt, pushing her wagon around, and waving sticks in the air...

The Religious Potential of the Child Reading Notes Ch 5

Chapter Five: Christ the Light and Baptism Cavaletti begins by saying that for every subject a “linking point” is necessary, “an especially striking element that emphasizes the vital nucleus of the theme.” The subject...

Random Links

Some recent articles I’ve been thinking about but haven’t had time to blog. When did the Bible become ‘hate speech’? Four years ago, I wrote an article entitled “Thinly Disguised Totalitarianism” for the religious...

An Angel on the Trail

Two stories linked recently by Julie D., Strangers Who Pray and Prayers in the Parking Lot reminded me of my own experience of praying with a stranger. I was hiking in Glacier National Park with my dad and sibling and they were all moving much...

A disturbing game

Bella throws her dolly to the ground. And then picks it up and first makes a little whimpering crying noise and then soothing sounds: “It’s ok. Don’t cry.” and sometimes, “Did you scrape?” I know it’s just...

