
Archive: May 2008

Check Up

Just home from a successful excursion to the pediatrician. Sophia is now 11 pounds, 4 ounces and 22.25 inches long. Bella is 26 pounds and 34 inches long. it went smoothly with a minimum of tears from both girls. Bella cried when she was put up on...

Celebrating Bella’s Birthday with the Family

Birthday cake. Lemon cake lovingly made by mom from a mix with cream cheese frosting from a can. The flowers were a mother’s day gift from Dom. Bella blows out the candle. Enjoying the birthday cake. Yummy cake! “The cake in mine...

A Blessed Pentecost and Happy Mother’s Day

Such a busy day! We were up late last night getting everything ready for today. Dom made two runs to the grocery store, the second trip was an emergency run to pick up liquid smoke after 8 pm. (He also brought back a beautiful bunch of flowers as an...

Rescued Treasures

I’ve got a confession to make. Recently I’ve had Mary envy. Looking at other blogger’s pictures of their statues of Mary, I’ve been wanting one of my own. However, the budget’s been tight recently and I just can’t...

Thought for the Day

Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), Carmelite, Doctor of the Church Way of Perfection, 17 (�ICS publications) “Lord, what about him?” … “What concern is it of yours? You follow me.” God doesn’t lead all by one...

Thoughts While Grocery Shopping

At the grocery store this morning we passed by a mother with two loud, bickering daughters, maybe about 4 and 6 years old. The mother kept snapping at them as they hit each other and made a scene. At one point she threatened to leave them with...

Busy Weekend, All Quiet on the Blogging Front

Getting geared up for Sophia’s baptism on Sunday—I just love that we got to schedule it for Pentecost. We’re going to have a little brunch here afterwards with all the family. A nice Mother’s day get-together. We’ll...

Charming Billy

I have a very vivid memory from childhood of my mother brushing and blow-drying my hair. She’s singing Mairsy Dotes and Billy Boy while I stand and endure the pulling of my hair, yet enjoying the attention and the brush strokes on my scalp...

Book Notes

Quick thoughts on a bunch of books I’ve recently read, because I’m not going to have time or energy to devote separate blog posts to each of them. Dean Koontz From the Corner of His Eye I’ve been enjoying Koontz. This one has some...

