Crisis Averted

Crisis Averted

Dom was getting ready to take Bella out to play this morning and started looking for her shoes. And I I realized with growing dread that I’d left them by the pool yesterday when I was putting her swimsuit on. She was getting quite frantic as he called his brother’s house to ask if they’d found the sneakers. Grandma answered and said they’d bring the shoes by this afternoon on their way home—his brother lives an hour away from us. But that left us in a bind for today. “This is not going to work,” Dom grumbled as the meltdown escalated.

Well, I’ve been meaning to buy her new sandals anyway. She’s outgrown last summer’s sandals and I hadn’t yet got around to getting her new ones because until now the weather hasn’t really been warm enough. So I put Bella into her patent leather Sunday shoes and then she and I made an unplanned trip to Target and found a nice pair of sandals. Now she’s happily playing in the yard, pausing frequently to take in the new shoes.

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