Thanksgiving for Prayers Answered

Thanksgiving for Prayers Answered

Thanksgiving for a Safe Delivery

Good St. Gerard, “Patron of Mothers,” assist me in thanking God for the great gift of motherhood. During the months of my waiting I learned to call upon you and placed the safety of my child and myself under your powerful protection. The great lesson of your trust in God sustained me; your slogan, “God will provide,” became my hope and consolation. Thank God for a healthy and normal baby and my own good health. Help me to prize the great treasure of motherhood and obtain for me from God the graces to raise my child as a child of God. In gratitude I will continue to call upon you and will tell other mothers about their special patron and friend.

We prayed for the intercession of St. Gerard throughout this pregnancy and it brought me great comfort. Now it is only fitting to offer up thanks and praise.

For whatever reason I have a hard time remembering to give thanks. I’m terrible at thank you cards. The necessary social niceties don’t come easily to me. And I all too often forget to express my gratitude to God for prayers answered. But I am truly grateful that Sophia and I are safe and healthy. I am so thankful for my little girl.

Also, I am very thankful for all the prayers offered on our behalf and all the comments left here and on Dom’s blog and all the emails sent. I haven’t been able to even begin to reply to everyone who has words of congratulations. I want to write every single person but the sheer volume makes it a bit overwhelming. I feel very, very loved right now—it’s a little humbling to have so many people paying attention to little ol’ me—and I am very happy to have so many friends to share in our great joy and to join with me n giving the greater glory to God. I guess that’s the second reason I blog: I get a wonderful feeling not just of community; but of family, of being a member of the Body of Christ. I thank God daily for all of you.

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  • Who knows, I like it so much I may continue to use it even if Bella doesn’t. Though we do like Sophie, too, and that will probably be her primary nickname, much like Bella is Isabella’s. 

  • Just because she can say both syllables doesn’t mean she *has to*…right? grin

    I like Phia.  I didn’t want my daughter to be “Becky” so we used “Becca” or “Bex” when she was very small, and we still use them to this day.  She’s approaching the teen years now, and how did *that* happen? Sigh.

  • I agree. Phia is nice!

    But I also like Sophy. As in the Grand Sophy from Georgette Heyer.

    And of course, Phia might result in Phi. heh heh.

