Dreaming of Snowy Forests

Dreaming of Snowy Forests

Today was overcast and cold and so the snow that continued falling last night is still coating all the power lines and the tree branches and the tops of fences. It’s magical. Even our street still is covered in snow, the plows seemingly having given up on trying to bare the asphalt.

As I was driving home from the market tonight, I suddenly had a craving to go walking in the woods. I recalled a Spring Break a couple of years ago when I simply got into the car and started driving, aimlessly, and ended up in Lake Placid, NY. I treated myself to a night in a lovely B&B and a nice dinner out and the next day I pulled over at a trail head in a State Park or forest and took a little hike back into the snowy woods. I felt like Lucy in Narnia, magic lurked behind every tree.

Yes, I should love to be able to go walking in some quiet wooded place where there’s no sound but a woodpecker knocking and the crunch of my own boots blazing a trail in the new-fallen snow. It isn’t going to happen this year, I suspect. Bella would not appreciate such a hike, I fear. Ah well. One day she’ll be the one dragging me out into the woods on a snowy day.

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