Singing Bella

Singing Bella

She starts with what I think is “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and then after taking a swig of juice continues with “One, Two Buckle My Shoe.” Next, after a delightful little squeal, she chants “Gosh, gosh” for a while and then “Yummy, yummy, mama, yummy”. When I don’t give the desired response by getting up and going to the kitchen, she gives up and climbs up next to me where starts asking to see the pictures on the camera: “Fish, fish” (or is it “Pish, pish”?). She ends with my favorite chant of them all: “Mama, mama, mama”.

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  • I am also reading slowly through Spe Salve during Advent and was planning to make notes on my blog as I went through it. I’m now too badly behind to do the blogging but I’m enjoying reading other people’s comments. Thank you for sharing your thoughts smile.

  • If I had a nickel for every time I meant to blog about something I’d read and never got around to it…

