“weaker vessels”

“weaker vessels”

Jessica at Homemaking Through the Church Year writes an interesting reflection on “the ideas set forth in 1 Peter 3, the famous “weaker vessel” passage.”

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I used to try to find some airy-fairy, abstract meaning behind St. Peter’s words, and now I’m tending to take them more at face value, more literally. Literally, physically, I am weaker than my husband. I am more at the mercy of my body than he is, especially when my body is serving as the staging ground for a new life, when someone else is taking up residence inside of me and literally sucking its lifeblood from my own and pushing and shaping my very bones and sinews to its own purposes. St. Peter urges husbands to dwell with their wives “according to knowledge” or “with understanding”. According to the knowledge, I think, that wives need care that husbands don’t, as well as the knowledge that they are “fellow heirs of salvation”.

Read the whole entry here.

Unfortunately, I can’t remember whose link I followed to get to her blog.

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1 comment
  • My most favorite part of motherhood…  Kids are learning all the time but this is one place where it is easily seen. 

