“Fantasy and the Heart of a Child”

“Fantasy and the Heart of a Child”

I enjoyed this short essay by Bryan Davis about the value of fantasy and fairy tales for children. Wonderfully politically incorrect with clear differentiation of gender roles. Here’s an excerpt:

Fantasy is not a lie, because it doesn�t pretend to be true.  It is a vision, the mind�s dramatic sketch of what we were meant to be.  Good fantasy is a blend of survival and worship, the use of God�s gifts to bring glory to him.  It demonstrates faith, hope, and love—the three abiding gifts—wielded in integrity and nobility, and illustrated in ways that our culture will never forget.  As author, Terry Pratchett, wrote, �Let there be goblin hordes, let there be terrible environmental threats, let there be giant mutated slugs if you really must, but let there also be Hope.  It may be a grim, thin hope, an Arthurian sword at sunset, but let us know that we do not live in vain.�

Every male can relate to the feeling of drawing a sword, gazing at his fingers wrapped around a battle-worn hilt and following shimmering steel upward to the razor-sharp point.  His eyes go from earth to heaven, first meditating on his limited strength, then raising his thoughts to the skies, and considering the God who fashioned every muscle he is about to use, every neuron in his system that will send messages from mind to muscle as he charges to carry out His will.

Every female should learn that she is the earthly reason for a man�s charge into danger.  God has created her to be man�s treasured, holy vessel, to be cherished and protected at all costs.  Without her, man�s resolve wilts, his heart quakes, his sword fails.  She is to be his support, reminding him of the goal, building up his courage, even rallying to his aid should he stumble.

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  • I’m not a mother, but since I find these personality things fascinating, I checked it out.

    I’m knew I was an INTJ – and the parenting style sounds very much like how I deal with my nephew and actually my classes when I was teaching:

    # Individualistic and independent, the INTJ mother is both a role model and teacher of how to be an individual and live life with integrity. She is introspective, defining her own success from within, and generally confident in her decisions. She is unlikely to be persuaded by her children saying, �But all the other mothers are doing it.�

    # The INTJ is competent in providing for her children�s basic needs, but she is likely more focused on developing their self-esteem and confidence. Observant and insightful, she puts great importance on independent thinking and self-sufficiency, yet she is comfortable providing protection and boundaries.

    # Self-motivated and intense, the INTJ works hard and takes life seriously. As a mother, she lives for those moments when she can impart knowledge and offer her children perspectives on life and important issues.

  • I found it interesting that in other circumstances (work, opinions, etc) I am an INTJ (or possibly ENTJ)—but strongly “J.”  However, as a mom, I am INTP.

