Kitchen Madonna

Kitchen Madonna

Matilda has requested pictures of Kitchen Madonnas. I wrote and told her that I don’t have a Madonna in my kitchen, but I do have several religious images that serve as reminders to pray as I work and to strive to make my home an imitation of the little house in Nazareth. She said she’d be interested in seeing what I have because she wants to “show the children how the religious articles in our homes can help us remember to unite ourselves to the Body of Christ’s Church… that they can help us “find a Heaven amidst the dustpans and broomsticks”.”

I kept meaning to take the photos all this week… and then going toward the sink brought me face to face with a pile of dirty dishes and I ran away from the kitchen in horror (and sometimes nausea). Today we’ve finally conquered the pile, thanks mostly to my wonderful husband.

So here are the pictures I took. I thought it would be fun to share. Unfortunately, the color is kinda off in some of them and they’re a bit fuzzy. But I think you can get the idea.

A general over the sink shot so you can get an idea of where the San Damiano crucifix is hung. I placed it there pretty soon after we moved in and I love the way it fits in with the kitchen’s vaguely Italianate theme. The wallpaper in the kitchen reminds me of the golden stucco walls in Rome gleaming in the sunshine and the baseboards are painted a rich brownish red. It reminds me of the time I spent in Italy and feels very warm and cozy.

A close up of the crucifix. For those unfamiliar with this particular crucifix, this is a reproduction of the image that famously spoke to St. Francis and asked him to rebuild the church.

Also I thought I’d throw in pictures of my holy cards:

St Joseph and the child Jesus in the carpentry shop from the front of my refrigerator, held up by a Pope John Paul II magnet.

The card of the Holy Family that is tucked into the corner of the frame in the the mirror by the back door. I rather like the way that photo came out with the stove and my pot of jambalaya reflected in the mirror. This card, handed out recently all around the Boston archdiocese as part of their new marriage initiative, has a great prayer on the back for the vocation of marriage. Bella has another copy of this card that she’s been carrying around. I think it’s currently in her car seat.

I have another crucifix over the back door. Bella frequently points to it when she’s sitting in her highchair and says, “Hi, Jesus.” With Isabella around to talk to my holy images, it’s much harder for them to become merely decorations, unseen and unnoticed because of over-familiarity. Instead, they are part of a constant conversation as Bella reminds me to pray always.


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