And More Panic

And More Panic

Of course, motherhood isn’t only about the joys. It’s also about the terror. I’ve never been so scared so often.

It’s looking up from hanging the hammock in preparation for a nice peaceful afternoon of reading in the shade to see that the front gate is open. The one that leads right out onto the very busy street. She wasn’t anywhere near it yet. But in that moment of distraction she could have been out the gate and into traffic.

And it’s the moment when I darted from the bathroom while the tub is filling to grab her towel from her bedroom just next door and heard a thump and a scream. I thought she’d dropped a toy in; but when I ran to see, I found Bella had fallen head first into the tub. She wasn’t hurt, just wet and surprised. I didn’t think she could climb over the side of the tub. Now I know.

I’ve learned my lesson today: don’t turn your back. Not even for a second.

Isabella keeps her guardian angel busy full time. Thank you, God, for keeping my baby girl safe today and for always being on the job even when I fail.


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