The Move

The Move

Yesterday the movers showed up around 8:30. I packed up Bella and a bunch of stuff into the minivan and headed over to the new place where she wouldn’t be underfoot. Dom stayed behind to do some last minute throwing stuff into boxes and to supervise the movers.

I did a little unpacking, a very little. Supervising Bella didn’t allow for much fetching and carrying from the car and there wasn’t much to unpack in the apartment. After I’d finished that, we played outside in the yard for a while. I tried to read a bit; but watching Bella and keeping her away from the porch steps took most of my attention.

al fresco dining

Dom called right before lunch to say that he and the movers were on the way. So I decided to give Bella her lunch outside on the lawn. I put here in the high chair so she wouldn’t be able make a run for the gate when the movers arrived.

what are they doing with our stuff?

Bella had a front row seat to watch the movers unload. And then the cable guy arrived and provided more entertainment when he started doing something at a box beside the house.

oh, that’s my crib!

After lunch I put her into the car and drove around for an hour so she could nap. Then we went to check out our new post office and mailed out some books. And then back home to watch the movers putting together the last of the furniture. We went out for dinner to our favorite little pho place and then put a very sleepy Bella to bed. She slept pretty well in the new place; though she woke us up at a quarter to six.

Here’s Bella eating breakfast in the new kitchen, surrounded by boxes.

what is all this stuff?

This morning we unpacked a bunch of boxes, went to the first farmer’s market of the season, bought some cheese, bread, greens, strawberries, and strawberry soup and saw some of our old friends who were amazed at Bella’s growth. Then we packed up a load of forgotten stuff at the old apartment and came home for a great lunch and some more unpacking. We’ve still got to bring all the food from the fridge and at least one more van load of odds and ends to fetch.

And a lot more unpacking to do.

our living room last night

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