Translation and the poetry of St. John of the Cross

Translation and the poetry of St. John of the Cross

Good article in First Things on translations of some of St John’s poems that have been published in that magazine.

Peace be to the poet saints Terese and Francis. I yield to nobody in my regard for Thomas Aquinas� hymn Tantum Ergo. But I think you have to go back to King David to find devotional verse that rivals St. John�s in its purity and power. And Rhina Espaillat has lovingly crafted them in translations that are both true and beautiful.

The article also links to the full translations of nine poems. Good reading for Lent.

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  • I have not been following my blogs the last few days and so I just learned about the cancer dx today.  I have added this to my prayers.  I will ask St Gianna Molla’s intercession.  Your prayers for me and my family’s issues have meant a lot. 
    I am hoping that you will have the pathology slides reviewed by a specialist.  Knowing exactly what kind of malignancy you are fighting makes a huge difference.  The most common kind of cancer that is found following a pregnancy loss is choriocarcinoma, and the treatment for this is chemo, not hysterectomy.  Also, the survival rate for choriocarcinoma is extremely high – well up in the 90% range. 
    Please, if I can be of any help interpreting medicalese or whatever, email me or post a comment.  And I will continue to pray.

  • Melanie, I am so happy that your sister will be with you on Monday!  I’m also glad St. Blog’s has Alicia for her knowledge and information.  I pray that there is another option besides hysterectomy for you. 

