
Archive: February 2007

A Canticle for Leibowitz

A little bit ago I posted that I’d finished ACFL and didn’t quite know what to make of it, especially of the ending. Then I finished Till We Have Faces, a book that is most unlike it, and while contemplating the puzzling endings of both...

It figures

I write a post about how well she’s been napping and we have one of those terrible nights. I suspected it was going to be bad when she first woke an hour and a half after I put her down. She went back to sleep pretty easily after I changed her...

“Back to Sleep”?

Isabella has never been a good napper. For the first several months she pretty much slept while someone was holding her and that was it. If you tried to put her down, the eyes popped open and she started to wail. We’ve long suspected that...

Prayer request

Please say a prayer for my father-in-law. He was in an accident. Hit by a plow. It doesn’t sound critical. They’re deciding whether or not to admit him. But still. Update: He’s home from the hospital. No broken bones or internal...

Till We Have Faces

Just finished reading, or rather re-reading, this book, at my sister’s prompting. Though I originally read it quite some time ago and didn’t understand it at all. Not really sure I completely get it now, either; but I did get more out of...

Refreshingly Green

[This is my second attempt as my first was eaten when my browser crashed. Thus the choppiness, for which I apologize. The second attempt is never as good as the first, one is always trying to remember that which is lost and those bits of memory...

“The Mercy of Disappointment”

Another beautiful reflection at Heirs in Hope, about our need to be known and loved and provided for by a wise, loving parent. An excerpt: That Christmas morning, I was terribly disappointed. I had seen all my gifts, had even chosen one of them...

Around the house

Bella’s pushing the vacuum cleaner back and forth in the dining room. Mama’s little helper. Of course, if it were on, that would be a different story. She screams when I turn on the vacuum. Or the food processor, or the blender, or the...

Fonda San Miguel

I was a little surprised to see one of my family’s favorite Austin, Texas restaurants, Fonda San Miguel, mentioned in a headline in our local Salem paper. San Miguel’s is a local place with only one location, not a chain. So how are they...

more post-apocalyptic books

1. I just finished reading S.M Stirling’s A Meeting at Corvallis, the third book in his Changeverse series, and in my opinion the best in the trilogy. Dies the Fire is dark, rather bleak because it’s about the death of civilization. The...

