I am the master of my fate… the captain of my soul

I am the master of my fate… the captain of my soul

An interesting piece  in the First Things blog on an assisted suicide pact in England, focuses on the gap between secular and religious people and makes an pointed observation that the secularists of today do not just disagree with religious people but also with the best secular philosophers of the past:

It�s not just that they believe that being in control of one�s fate is good because it allows one to attain one or another due end; it is, rather, that being in control of one�s fate is the highest good of which human nature is capable. And that view, which has little to commend it from a philosophical point of view, separates people like Murray from the best aspects of the Western religious and philosophical tradition.

I think that sums up rather nicely something I’ve been trying to put into words.

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