The Spirituality of Dating

The Spirituality of Dating

Theresa sent me this link to an interesting reflection on spirituality and dating: Preparing spiritually before dating at Evangelical Catholicism.

I like the fact that she emphasizes a range of devotions: journaling, the divine mercy chaplet, reading the bible, praying the liturgy of the hours and not only the rosary. Too often I see only the rosary advocated and while it is a great devotion it ignores the broader range of practices.

Looks like theres more good advice to come too.

I wish I’d thought about some of these things when I was lonely and single, it would have lightened the burdens of the journey. Although I do think that the ones I did begin to practice (praying the divine office, going to daily mass, etc. helped make me ready for meeting Dom and being ready to be a wife and mother.


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  • How old is she? Sorry, I think you’ve said before but I can’t remember.

    Best of luck—I am SOOO exhausted today since my seven-week-old baby was up all night last night. Ugh.

  • She’ll be four months (16 weeks) next Thursday.

    I definitely feel your pain about being up all night! Good luck to you too. I hope you get a nap in today. smile

  • My children never managed to have reasonable sleep patterns.  They were so awful that I changed pediatriacians once just to avoid answering questions about it.  However, they are all much older now and they are fine.  So whatever you do that you and Isabella can live with (and Dom) is probably JUST FINE.

