Bella and the Giraffe

Bella and the Giraffe

So far Bella hasn’t shown much interest in toys. If you shake a rattle in front of her, it might catch her eye for a minute, but then she’s staring off into space again. But the other day while she was lying on the quilt, I hooked her finders around one of hte funky rattles with all these rubber loops. She waved it a couple of times then let it go. But then she started batting at it . She never looked at it; but her movements were too persistent to be just random flailings.

Then yesterday morning I decided to experiment further. I put her on the quilt and put the rattle toy on one side of her and a plush giraffe toy on the other. Now this giraffe is pretty cool. It’s head is a rattle and it’s body opens up into a cloth book whose end pages are filled with some crinkly stuff. Within minutes she’d batted the rattle a couple of times and then she’d started in on the giraffe.

She kept hitting at it and pushing at it until finally she ended up with it cuddled up next to her, cradled in the crook of her arm. Naturally, her proud mother grabbed the camera and started shooting. Here’s a selection of the pictures.

Here’s Bella with the two toys.

Smiling at momma.

Everything’s a-ok!

Eventually she got the tail in her mouth. Didn’t quite know what to make of that!

And here she is with a tired, but proud momma.

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