
Archive: June 2006

quote of the day

from Dale Ahlquist’s Common Sense 101: Lessons from G.K. Chesterton “There is indeed something that children seem to grasp about eternal life that the rest of us have lost. They have abounding vitality; they are in spirit, fierce and...

Baby Isabella’s One Month Checkup

She’s now 9 lbs, 3 oz and 21 1/2 inches long. (That means she’s gained more than a pound since her last visit two weeks ago!) This puts her into the 50th and 60th percentiles for weight and height.  She’s healthy as can be...

early morning wide awake

Not just Bella is wide awake. Momma is too. I had a headache earlier and the tylenol wasn’t cutting it. So I took an excedrin. Now the caffeine has me just as awake as my daughter… Argh!

Isabella updates

She s now starting to make vocalizations that aren’t crying. It sounds like she’s starting to cry, but is more of a coo because she isn’t really displeased. She’s got a strong kick and can rock herself in her little rocking...

Late night

flipping channels while the baby eats I come across Mother Angelica talking with one of my former professors, Dr Gerard Wegemer discussing his book on St Thomas More. How strange to see his familiar face out of context. I didn’t appreciate Dr...

Home Schooling book review: Real Learning

Thanks to reader Jennifer Miller who recommended Real Learning: Education in the Heart of the Home by Elizabeth Foss. Like I said in my last book review, Charlotte Mason did not initially grab me. But I was very intrigued by Elizabeth Foss’...

Princess Isabella

A perfect day for the baptism. Sunny for the first time since Tuesday, a welcome relief from the too abundant rain. And Trinity Sunday, we didn’t realize that when we set the date. If I were to go looking for readings for a baptism, I...

First Walk

Yesterday I had my two week OB visit and was cleared to drive and do more physical activity. Therefore, this afternoon Isabella and I took our first stroller outing, walking down to the grocery store to get eggs, milk, bread, fresh fruit and diapers...

Late night, can’t sleep

It’s very late and I’m very tired, and the baby is finally asleep; but somehow I can’t sleep. Maybe it’s partly the knowledge that as soon as I drift off she’ll wake wanting to eat. Also the fifteen different blog...

