
Archive: April 2006

Thanks for noticing me…

I just discovered that I’ve been linked to!
A great response to my post “What Does a Catholic Look Like?” written by Wimsey at All Else Confusion.  Go read what she has to say here .

Pregnancy update

On Saturday I reached 35 weeks. We’re in the home stretch now. Yesterday I saw the friendly guy walking his dog at the park (I now have a name for him as I heard one of his buddies call him Rick) and as usual he gave me a hearty greeting and...

On Thank You Notes.

I am the worst about writing thank yous. Case in point: our wedding was in August. I’m still struggling to get out those last few notes. And then I’ve got a big pile of baby stuff that people need to be thanked for. It’s not that...

Global Warming? Don’t you know it stopped!

An interesting article about the politically charged subject: For many years now, human-caused climate change has been viewed as a large and urgent problem. In truth, however, the biggest part of the problem is neither environmental nor scientific...

more baby stuff

Speaking of quilts, we received another adorable blanket from a CWR writer. A blue and pink quilt, little sunbonneted girls and little boys in overalls….entirely handstitched, she writes. I love quilts and I love making quilts, thus people...


I’ve been doing laundry this week. Lots of it. I’ve washed the sheets not only from our bed but from the guest bed as well.  And the blankets too. And all the dirty clothes, not just enough to get by. And a load of baby clothes. In...

On Textbooks

In case I haven’t made it clear yet, in general, I am opposed to textbooks. Becky at Farm School composes a thoughtful entry on the subject that I found interesting and valuable and that resonated with my own experiences as a student and...


A few weeks ago I saw the first snowdrops in our garden. Happy little flowers, the very first of spring. Then the crocuses came up, yellow and purple and white. But tonight I saw my first daffodils of the season! I love daffodils, so bright and...

