All I Want Is You

All I Want Is You

…listening to iTunes, U2 has been popular the last two days. I’m reminded of a conversation with Theresa. She told me about driving late at night, listening to U2’s “All I Want Is You” and suddenly hearing it as a song about God. Her theory… any well-written love song can also be read as expressing the love between God and the soul. A biblically rooted understanding… witness the Song of Songs, erotic love poems that have always been read as describing not only the love between man and woman, but also the love between God and His people.

Strange, with all my literary knowledge, it took my theo-major sister to open my eyes to this possibility of secondary meanings. But then she’s quite good at helping me see the world in a new way.

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  • “adam lay y-bounden” is one of the ones on our list for Christmas eve lessons and carols, so yes you’ll hear at least one!

    warms my heart to know you have a grown up love for these beautiful classics..

    “In the bleak midwinter” always makes me cry – at the same spot you mentioned, if not before…

    love and hugs….

  • I hope I have that eyesin the back of your head superpower when I’m a mother. Within an hour of my posting, mom’s spidey senses tell her there is movement on the web and she posts a response to my entry. Amazing!

