

On Education

Gerald at The Cafeteria is Closed had this quote on education (originally from NRO’s Corner). It was too good not to copy over. I love Father Rutler’s dry wit and this is a great example of the same. Plus, of course, the nuggets of truth...

“Awakening the Moral Imagination”

Pulled from my drafts folder. I’ve been meaning to post this for a while; but have been busy with other things and hadn’t got around to finding pull quotes. I found this excellent article called Awakening the Moral Imagination: Teaching...

The Sleep Equation

Doesn’t it just figure? Now that I’m finally getting over the extreme first-trimester exhaustion, Isabella is finally moving to a later sleep-wake schedule? When I was so tired it hurt, she was rising at 5:30 or 6 am. Now that I’m...

Stations of the Cross

Check out Dom’s photos (taken back when we were just dating and finally uploaded to Flickr) of the lovely illuminated stations of the cross from the chapel at St. Edmund’s Retreat Center on Ender’s Island at Mystic Connecticut. I...

Two photos of my favorite subject

This morning we spent some time out in the yard, despite the 90 degree heat. I swung in the hammock, Dom sat nearby in a chair, Bella ran around and got into everything. At one point she cuddled with me in the hammock for a while. Dom snapped this...

Halloween: What do you think?

A reader writes: I know last year you and I and some others got into an interesting discussion on Santa Claus. And yes, I know it isn’t even September yet but you know the commercial secular world can’t wait to push the next holiday...

Child’s Play

Just had to mention this good opinion piece in the New York Times that addresses the panic over the Chinese leaded toys: Parents are in distress, but there may be an answer that is better than despair and less expensive than a wholesale conversion...

It Makes Me Mad

When parents let their kids break the rules it makes things so much harder for other parents. This we walked to the local school to see if the new playground was open yet. It wasn’t. Still festooned with caution tape and several signs warning...

“An Ikon of Calvary”

Tears are flowing as I read this beautiful meditation by a son at his mother’s deathbed, republished at Sed Contra. What a beautiful witness of the Church’s teaching about the dignity of the human person, of the communion of saints, and...

A Lost Opportunity

I just realized today what would have been the perfect title for this blog post: Ad Nauseam. This afternoon was one of those times that all parents of young children will recognize. Bella wanted the same book over and over and over again.  I...

