Lessons from Rapunzel

Lessons from Rapunzel


1. Really wanting something and thinking you will die if you can’t have it is not the same thing as actually being in danger of dying if you don’t get it. Even if you’re pregnant.

2. Really wanting something and thinking you will die if you can’t have it is not an excuse for trespassing and theft.

3. Trespassing and theft are bad, but it is not just to kidnap someone’s child in retribution for said theft. Especially if they only stole a bunch of salad greens.

4. Locking an innocent girl in a doorless tower for years is evil and creepy. Even if it’s a really comfy tower.

5. I don’t think human hair can really grow that long.

6. No matter how great her singing voice is, you can’t fall in love with someone just by hearing her voice. It’s called infatuation. Love is a relationship.

7. Usually falling out of a tall tower will break some bones. It might kill you Blindness is a weird symptom.

8. Tears do not usually cure blindness. Except maybe the weird kind caused by being defenestrated from the top of a tall tower.

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