Learning Notes Week of March 6

Learning Notes Week of March 6

Sophie’s nine!

First of all, Saturday was Sophie’s birthday. She turned 9! I can’t believe how big she’s getting!

Birthday triumph: a Kylo Ren action figure.
Birthday present aftermath, Bella and Anthony dive into Sophie’s new books.
The birthday girl couldn’t blow out her candles because, “I can’t stop smiling.”

Monday March 6

I was sick. Everyone did math and copywork then I went back to bed. No read alouds. I was coughing too much.

Paper dress.

Tuesday March 7

Everyone did math and copywork. Sophie and Anthony read aloud. Bella picked a dictation sentence. Sophie practiced a French sequence.

Afternoon stories: Sun Slower Sun Faster, Story of the World, Blood and Guts. Five Sisters, a book about paper dolls.

Bedtime story: Little Robot by Ben Hatke.

Ben at work.

Wednesday March 8

Bella and Anthony and Ben did math. Bella also wrote a little poem in her notebook.

Went to the grocery store.

Went to the pediatrician for Anthony and Sophie’s yearly physicals.

Afternoon stories outside: Sun Slower Sun Faster, Story of the World. Five Sisters.

Bedtime story: We read several Aesop’s Fables from Ben’s book.

Reading Anthony.

Thursday March 9

Everyone did copywork and math. Ben did a page in Miquon. Anthony did two pages. Ben did his pages in his letters book, and I can see definite progress there, slow and steady. And he copied a sentence. Anthony read me a story from Great Americans and copied a sentence.

Sophie did half a page of math. And a line of copywork. And let me babble at her in French and maybe she absorbed something. I recited some French and Latin poetry and we talked about how to say a few words and phrases. Bella did half a page of math. She did a line of copywork. She read a chapter in Archimedes and wrote three or four sentences in her notebook. She translated several sentences in Latin. And she read me today’s Gospel.

Afternoon stories. Only two because I had to go to the doctor for an ear ache. Perforated ear drum. We read St Patrick’s Summer and Into the Sea, Out of the Tomb. Good discussions about both of them.

I’m not sure which of the books about Africa prompted Anthony to ask me what Swahili is, but I let my answer get expansive and it ended with Anthony and Lucy watching several You Tube videos on learning Swahili.

I picked up a couple of National Geographic special editions at the pharmacy. One on interstellar space and planets and one on natural wonders. The kids dove in and Bella seems to be on the verge of trading planets for mountains. She was fascinated with Jupiter and its moons and wants a book about Mars for her birthday.

Anthony is starting to give me spontaneous narrations about many of the books he reads. he’s fascinated about the world and making connections and wants to tell me about everything. Today he told me about Adam and Eve and wondered how it could be that Adam was lonely even before the Fall. He told me about the book about St Columba and connected it to the story of St Columba in his Saints Lives and Illuminations book. And he told me all about the rocket ship he built out of Lego.

Bedtime story: The Man Who Loved Books, a story about St Columba.

As I tucked the boys in we had a chat about Passover and sacrifices, still pondering our reading from this afternoon.

Bella practices cursive G.

Friday March 10

Everyone did math and copywork.

Sophie read to me from 50 Famous Stories.

Bella did her dictation, read to me from one of her Dear America books. Anthony read to me from Stories of Great Americans.

Afternoon stories: Sun Slower Sun Faster, Five Sisters, Story of the World, Blood and Guts.

A mysterious note found on a scrap of paper.
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