
Archive: January 2016

Learning Notes week of January 18

The kids and I watched The Princess Bride on Saturday. They found parts of it very scary but on the whole liked it. The funny bits outweighed the scary. On Sunday afternoon Sophie and I played Speed with the new cards that teach skip counting...

In winter in the woods alone

In winter in the woods alone Against the trees I go I mark a maple for my own And lay the maple low. At four o’clock I shoulder ax, And in the afterglow I link a line of shadowy tracks Across the tinted snow. I see for Nature no defeat In one...

Maps, Maps, Maps

On Facebook the conversation recently turned to maps. What books and resources do you use, how do you approach learning about maps? And I thought since I was making links over there anyway, it would also make a good blog post and then I’d have...


The road was full of mud and mirrors where the sky peeked at itself. The yellow house slipped down behind the hedge as we came near. This morning Lucy brought me Emily by Michael Bedard and Barbara Cooney and crawled onto my lap and together we read...

